Freida's Flowers
$46.00 $102.00
Letter: Bar Mitzvah
Letter: Bat Mitzvah
Letter: First Communion
Veuve Bottle: Garden Trellis
Veuve Bottle: Rainbow
Veuve Bottle: Lily of The Valley
Apple Sampler
Curled up w/ a Good Book or 10
Doors: November
Doors: September
Doors: October
P.S. I Love You
Veuve Bottle: Antelope
Veuve Bottle: Tartan
Veuve Bottle: Rattan Cane
Veuve Bottle: Basketweave
Veuve Bottle: Chanel
Floral Pillow Insert
Cat w/ Leaves
Pillow of Bows
DOODLE Heart w/ SG
LOVE for Acrylic w/ SG
HOME Square w/ SG
Red Wagon with Flags
Ladybug Heart
Scottish Boy - Retired
Glass Vase Collection w/ SG & Embellishment Kit