Needle Orts and the Mayor of BOOville are inviting stitchers to meander through the streets of this quaint village, meet some of its citizens and immortalize 12 of the town's historic landmarks in fabric and fiber!
The tour begins March 31st and will continue through February of 2023. Your payment below covers the first shipment will include the "BOOville Inn" chart, fabric for the Inn and your complete set of fibers for the series. The remaining charts and fabric will be shipped on the 30th/31st of each month through February of 2023 at a cost of $15.00/month, plus postage. (All items will be shipped by Priority mail.)
Click the SAL picture below to register and to choose from 4 Fabric sizes and 3 Fiber options (just hit the drop down button). You may also add a cute Glow in the Dark Magnet and/or a Project Bag to your order to complete your kit. There are a limited number of project bags and magnets, so order them NOW!
(Project Bags and magnets are only available as a part of the SAL - thanks for understanding.)
(Project Bags and magnets are only available as a part of the SAL - thanks for understanding.)
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